The Japanese are a homogenous people who see nothing wrong with wanting to stay that way. This doesn’t make them exclusive, it makes them self-preserving.
On the other hand Michio Kushi, the ‘One Peaceful World’ avatar and renowned teacher of macrobiotics, would frequently point out to his audience of college graduate, bourgeois, ex- hippie students that it was wrong to be exclusive. As far as Michio was concerned you could do anything you wanted (I recall he held Al Capone in high regard) as long as you weren’t exclusive. For an avowed non-dualist it was the closest Michio came to calling something sinful. I found this amusing considering Japan’s centuries of enforced isolation.
I suppose as a young Japanese immigrant who came to America soon after the end of WW2 it makes sense that Michio would have strong opinions on what it means to be exclusive. As an outsider from a country and race that until recently was at war with America he probably experienced prejudice more than exclusivity, yet he never said anything one way or the other about prejudice. Perhaps in his mind they were the same.
It’s important to remember that Michio got his groove on in New York City during the early 1950’s. At that time blacks experienced racial prejudice and Jews were excluded from many schools, professions and social organizations. Michio saw exclusivity as a stigma on the American psyche and was determined to avoid it.
Michio knew Norman Cousins, the editor of the magazine “Saturday Review”. Cousins sponsored Michio to come to America and attend the World Federalist Society conference held in New York City in 1949. Like Cousins, Michio’s Japanese mentor, George Ohsawa, also advocated for World Government. In Cousins’ case he believed the Nation State was, in the atomic age, a dangerous anachronism. Michio shared Cousins’ thinking and his lectures often include discussion of a universal order that when politically channeled would lead naturally to world government.
Well that was the theory. In light of what has been going on since the start of the 21st century Michio and Cousins were pretty far off the mark. It is noteworthy that none of Michio’s students have had any impact on world leaders or world events. The “new age”cadre of senior teachers Michio groomed have had nothing to say, to my knowledge, about the current state of geopolitics. The application of macrobiotics has become moribund, teaching about diet and health and little else. The use of macrobiotic’s ‘Unique Principle’ (yin and yang) and Wuxing (5 Element Theory) which could be helpful in explaining current events has been neglected. Analysis of our contemporary era’s geopolitical, biological, spiritual, cultural and sociological condition has been left ‘exclusively’ in the hands of the West’s dualistic, paradigm-fatigued clerisy.
Michio’s focus on a simple message of dietary change to rejuvenate body and spirit, and teaching that food was medicine was in the 1960’s a revolutionary undertaking that found a receptive audience and I’m forever grateful that I was in on it. But there were other areas that Michio lectured about that I found myself unreceptive to.
Michio, though syncretic in his teaching method, was a utopian at heart and he took macrobiotics along a chillastic path, a path that he believed would usher in world government and paradise on earth. Michio mocked the idea of national borders and frequently used the analogy of the freedom of birds flying where they wanted, making the nation- state a meaningless concept, a “delusion”, as he would say. Michio also went into high dudgeon over passports believing that all he needed to do was say “I’m Michio Kushi, what more do you need from me?” Today this would align him with the globalist, “world citizen” advocate and “Open Society “ founder, George Sorros.
Michio’s crackpot statements about superfluous borders and passports that were unnecessary for the so-called ‘world citizen’ went unchallenged by his students. I suspect Michio also harbored a distaste for patriotism, probably conflating it with an ‘exclusive’ love for one’s homeland and one’s people. According to Michio’s thinking patriotism would be too particularist, too chauvinist, too xenophobic.
I will never accept the idea that a traditional diet that includes whole grains, pulses, land and sea vegetables creates a longing for rootlessness and acceptance of all the shibboleths of post-modernity. I contend that a traditional diet does, if not the opposite, at the very least immunizes you to the more absurd beliefs found in the postmodern’s weltanschauung.
In retrospect it’s surprising that Michio, who dreamt of One Peaceful World, and often talked about the order of the universe, didn’t realize that eliminating borders and passports in an effort to be unexclusive would, as we are witnessing today with the tsunami of immigration in Europe and our own southern border, bring chaos and strife. In retrospect Michio’s New Age dream was also Michio’s cauchemar.

Tony Ruggiero
Tony Ruggiero is the owner of La Société du Thé.